Our Services
Hospice Care Services in Rancho Cucamonga, CA

St. Francis Hospice Care is dedicated to providing quality hospice care solutions for individual patients and families.
Whether you choose to receive care in the safety of your home or would rather be placed in a hospital or similar institutionalized settings, St. Francis Hospice Care is ready to be there.
Here are the different services we offer through care professionals and Home Health Aides in Rancho Cucamonga, CA:
Hospice services are provided by a team of healthcare professionals of various disciplines, including:
Hospice Physician:
- Complements and works with patient’s attending physician
- Available for consultations and visits at patient’s residence
- Oversees and evaluates patient’s plan of care and pain management
Skilled & Registered Nurse:
- Assesses patient needs
- Plans and organizes care to be provided
- Implements the plan of care to manage and control pain and other symptoms
- Trains, assists and educates the patient’s family/caregiver/facility staff
Social Worker:
- Provides psycho-social and emotional assessment, intervention and support for the patient/family
- Helps the patient and family cope with illness
- Provides information and referrals to community resources such as in-home help, financial aid, mental health and protective services
- Bereavement support for family members for thirteen months following death of a loved one
Home Health Aide:
- Assists patient with personal care
Spiritual Counselor:
- Facilitates communication between clergy of all denominations and patient/family
- Available to assist patient and family with spiritual issues regarding life and death
- Provides spiritual support and care for the patient and family
- Volunteers are available to offer companionship and socialization.
- Physical Therapist
- Occupational Therapist
- Speech Therapist
- Music Therapist
- Massage Therapist
- Assists with evaluating patient’s nutritional needs